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About Latta Rox Farm

About Latta Rox Farm

Marty and Mary Jean live on 5 acres in rural Finger Lakes New York.  We have gardens where we grow many of the fruits and vegetables we eat.  We also have a few chickens for eggs and meat.  We are interested in the history of agriculture and horticulture and grow a number of heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables and heritage breeds of chickens.  That interest in history has also led us to collect a variety of antiques.  With our interest in poultry, about 2002 Marty was intrigued by a stoneware chicken waterer in a local antique shop.  That purchase started his collection and he now has over 150 items in stoneware, glass, metal and plastic.  Among other collections we have, this is the first we are bringing to the web.  Perhaps in the future we'll share items from our collections of textiles, grape labels or postcards.  Marty would welcome feedback on the waterer collection and contact with others who have similar interests.